Rebecca Nichol

Training Courses. Reiki Hands

Reiki Training Courses

Reiki is a safe and gentle, yet highly effective practice which can be easily learned and enjoyed by all. My lineage (available on request) places me 11th in line to Sensei Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki in the 1800's. Therefore my teachings are of Traditional Usui Reiki.

Upcoming Training Dates for 2024/2025:

  • July 25th 2024 Reiki Master Teacher (timings tba, Bodicote)
  • July 29th Advanced Practitioner Training towards CNHC Accreditation (timings tba, Bodicote)
  • October 22nd & 23rd 2024 Reiki I (10am-5pm on both days, Bodicote)
  • November 21st & 22nd 2024 Reiki II (10am-5pm on both days, Bodicote)
  • January 23rd & 24th 2025 Reiki I (9:30am-4:30pm on both days, Bodicote)
  • February 27th & 28th 2025 Reiki II (9:30am-4:30pm on both days, Bodicote)


Reiki I (also known as Shoden or First Degree Reiki) is for beginners and those wishing to use it for self healing, for their loved ones and pets. You will be taught techniques for  energy protection and cleansing, incorporating Reiki into all aspects of your life for increased energy, a reduction of stress, anxiety and negativity, an overall sense of peace and a deeper connection with all living beings.

Each level of Reiki is a complete system and there is no need to move onto another level unless you wish to do so.

Reiki II (also known as Oku Den or Second Degree Reiki) may be taken at any time from 3 months after Reiki I, and there is no maximum time so it can be taken many years after. At this level the three Reiki symbols are taught. Advanced techniques using these symbols and their intentions, plus the additional Reiki Attunements increase the effectiveness of Reiki for you and others.  Following completion of Reiki II you may complete the necessary case studies to become a Reiki Practitioner if you wish to.

Reiki III (also known as Shinpiden or Master Practitioner/Master Teacher level) may be taken by anyone with an Usui Reiki II certificate.  At least one year must have passed since completing Reiki I, and you will need to have completed your Practitioner case studies if you wish to teach Reiki.

I am proud to say that my Reiki II (Practitioner) training course has been validated by the UK Reiki Federation as complying to NOS, Core Curriculum and CNHC standards, and I am listed on the UKRF's Approved Courses Directory. All courses listed on the Directory of Approved Courses are accepted by the CNHC for registration purposes. This means that successful completion of my Reiki Practitioner course (attending my Reiki I and II workshops, completing a minimum of 75 case study treatments, and attending additional face to face sessions with me to meet the required 65 guided hours) will mean that you are able to fast track CNHC accreditation without the need to complete a verification pack or pay the associated admin and verification costs (see for more info).   


You are still able to train with me on a non-CNHC route, and may become a Practitioner and a member of UKRF by attending my Reiki I and II workshops, completing a minimum of 30 case study treatments and attending a Practitioner Handover session plus any additional face-to-face and remote guidance as required.  Note:  in order to join UKRF as a Practitioner Member a minimum of 9 months must has passed between starting Reiki I and attending your Practitioner Handover session.

In order to ensure that you feel confident in the use of Reiki, I limit my classes to a maximum of six pupils and allow plenty of time for hands-on learning. Individual training is also available for those who prefer it. I provide ongoing support throughout your Reiki journey and am always available to answer any questions and willing to be used as a case study to be practiced on!


  • provides only positive results.
  • is easy to learn.
  • provides a simple, easy, and effective self-practice, without any additional effort beyond placing our hands. Self-practice keeps us in balance, connected with our happiness and our health.
  • provides a way to do something positive in times of difficulty no matter what the situation might be.
  • is a beautiful way to connect with other people.
  • with the permission of the recipient, Reiki fulfils our innate need for touch.
  • reduces the negative effects of medications and other medical treatments including those of radiation and chemotherapy.
  • works alongside other healing modalities to improve healing times.
  • can supply you with part or full-time income as a practitioner.


Reiki I (First Degree)

First Degree Usui Reiki Workshops

I am no longer offering online Reiki training but continue to hold my popular in-person workshops here in Bodicote. 

Next workshop dates:


22nd & 23rd October 2024 (approx 10am-5pm) £205

Prefer a one-to-one or a family workshop? Get in touch to discuss cost and arrange dates. 


Reiki (Ray-Key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy, and is a complementary therapy that treats the whole person through stimulating the body’s own innate healing ability. Learning about Reiki may allow you to better understand and heal your ‘self’.

During the workshop you will learn

  • The concept of Reiki energy
  • The history of Reiki
  • The many uses of Reiki, including sending healing to people or situations
  • Meditation and Visualisations
  • 4 Attunements (distance Attunements at a time agreed by you for online students)
  • The Chakras, energy fields and the endocrine system
  • The hand movements to attain self healing
  • The recommended hand positions for giving Reiki to your friends and family

    The workshop is available for people of all ages and from all backgrounds who want to make changes in their lives. A workshop manual is included and a certificate will be awarded to those who complete the course. I am here to answer any questions or provide guidance before, during and after your training.

    The workshop will be led by
    Rebecca Nichol, CNHC Accredited Master Teacher Member of the UK Reiki Federation

    Book a place using the Book Appointment button or by contacting me.

    "Really enjoyable course - would recommend to friends wishing to do Reiki training"
    V H, feedback from Reiki I workshop September 2011

    "I took my Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 practitioner level training with Rebecca. Both courses were professionally run at a good pace. Rebecca has a wonderful manner, which makes it easy to learn the curriculum. I thoroughly enjoyed both courses and am happy to say I completed my Reiki 2 practitioner level and further case studies with the help of Rebecca's ongoing guidance and support. Thank you x" - feedback left on my Facebook page, March 2016


Reiki II (Second Degree)

Second Degree Usui Reiki Workshops

Next workshop dates:


21st & 22nd November 2024 (approx 10am-5pm) £205


Prefer a one-to-one or a family workshop? One-to-ones can be booked online, or just get in touch to discuss cost and arrange dates.


If you choose to become a Reiki Practitioner following the Reiki II workshop there is an aditional £75 Practitioner fee payable when the necessary 30 case studies are completed and signed off at your Practitioner Handover session, or an additional £450 to follow my accredited route and be eligible for CNHC approval. This additional payment is payable when attending the required Advanced Practitioner training days with me, and certification will be given once further face to face guidance sessions and 75 case studies have been completed and signed off)


During the Reiki II workshop you will cover

  • A review of Reiki I
  • The 3 Reiki Symbols (explanation, demonstration and practice)
  • Self and Room Preparation
  • Meditation and Visualisations
  • 2 Attunements
  • Anatomy & Physiology Basics
  • Advanced Reiki Techniques
  • Distant Healing
  • Professional Matters

    The workshop is available for those who have already attuned to Reiki I. Before attendance I will require a copy of your First Degree certificate and proof of Usui lineage if I didn't teach you for Level I. Half-day transfer courses are available if you did not train under the Usui system. Case studies are optional after attendance at this workshop.

    A workshop manual and refreshments are included and a certificate will be awarded to those who complete the course. I remain contactable by phone, eMail and WhatsApp for any questions that may arise after the workshop and to discuss case studies. In line with National Occupational Standards and UKRF recommendations, at least 3 months will have passed between your Reiki I training and commencing at Second Degree.

    The workshop will be led by

    Rebecca Nichol, Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher
    CNHC Accredited Master Teacher Member of the UK Reiki Federation

    Book a place using the Book Appointment button or contact me.

    "course was well thought out - lovely surroundings. Becky is an excellent Reiki Master/Teacher. Calming & therapeutic. I feel very exhilarated for the/my future. I feel very empowered after receiving my attunements - Thank you Becky"
    A M, feedback from Reiki II workshop July 2011


Reiki III (Master/Teacher)

Prerequisite: You must have completed Reiki levels I and II and at least one year must have passed between starting Reiki I and the time of your Reiki Master Attunement.  For Master Teacher level, you must have gained your Practitioner certificate following successful completion of the necessary case-study treatments.

Reiki Master Practitioner
The equivalent of a four-day course, training will consist of:

  • 21 hours of pre-course study over 7 weeks of online training – approx. 3 hours per week, carried out in your own time. Combining video guides, meditations and visualisations, document downloads, practical and written tasks. You will revisit the basics of Usui Reiki, learn the Master Symbol, and be introduced to the advanced techniques used by Mikao Usui and his Gokkai.
  • Reiki I and Reiki II manuals to be included in PDF format to allow you to refer to them when needed.
  • One day face-to-face training in Bodicote with me in a small group of four or less to cover practical work, receive your in-person attunement to Master level, and practice using all four symbols to treat yourselves, each other and for distant treatments. Bring along your journals for discussion if you would like to, or a note of any questions you have

    Reiki Master Teacher
    As above plus:
  • An additional day of face-to-face training to allow for practice attuning others to Reiki I, II and III, help producing your own training plans, and to discuss the importance of adhering to Usui rules and code of teaching as this is our main principle even if we have learnt different Reiki methods for our own self-development. Bring along any training plans/mindmaps for discussion if already completed.
  • Attendance at one or both days of both a Reiki I and Reiki II workshop led by me, helping where needed and picking up ideas and tips for your own training (min one day at each workshop)
  • Approximately 4-5 hours work will required to complete additional planning tasks at home, to help prepare you for teaching others.
  • Reiki I and Reiki II Workshop Manuals are included in MS-Word format to allow for personalisation and passing onto your own students.

    Cost: £365 Reiki Master Practitioner or £750 Reiki Master Teacher

    There are no further case studies to complete for either of the Master Levels, just the 21-day integration following your attunement. You will receive your certificate upon completion of both the online and face-to-face training sessions.


Reiki Refresher

I am now offering Reiki Refresher sessions on a one-to-one basis. These are 4-hour sessions and include an energy Attunement at the highest level you are trained to. Please supply a photo of your certificate after booking. The aim of these sessions is to leave you with the knowledge and confidence to Reiki the world! Bookable online. £160, Bodicote

Q>"Becky thank you for my two days training. Extremely well thought out and in tune. Our class was perfect. Ambience excellent"
A M, feedback from Reiki I workshop April 2011



”Really enjoyable course, I am so glad I chose to complete my Reiki journey with Becky. She is warm and made me feel at ease. Lots of practice to help you leave feeling confident. Thank you!”
L H, feedback from Reiki II workshop March 2020


”I loved doing both Reiki I & II - this has been a wonderful training, giving a really solid foundation, and I am looking forward to seeing where this work takes me. Thank you Becky for a beautiful experience xx”
E L, feedback from Reiki II workshop March 2020


”Becky made this course very interesting and I would be very interested in taking further courses with her. I would thoroughly recommend Becky's workshops to anyone who would like to know more about Reiki or go further as a practitioner”
J R, feedback from Reiki I workshop May 2018
"Really enjoyable course, very lovely people, and can't wait to learn more and practice lots of Reiki. Thank you Becky"
S H, feedback from Reiki I workshop April 2011
"Course and manual very informative, lots of content and easy to follow. Professional delivery. Very comfortable learning environment"
L R, feedback from Reiki I workshop April 2011


"A lovely course. A joy to have been a student. I am already recommending to others!"
D R, feedback from Reiki II workshop May 2011
"Very enjoyable course, the days went very quickly, and I feel confident in what I have learnt. Can't wait for the next course"
S H, feedback from Reiki II workshop July 2011
Rebecca Nichol, Reflexologist, Reiki Master/Teacher and Holistic Therapist
Bodicote, Banbury, Oxfordshire



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